Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hannah's Hope Chapter One

I am reading through the book "Hannah's Hope." My amazing MIL gave it to me to help me through the loss of our baby and our continuing secondary infertility (SI). You are welcome to read through it with me if you like and we can compare notes. I highly recommend this book to anyone going through infertility in it's many forms, adoption loss and/or pregnancy loss or infant death. I also recommend the Hannah's Hope forums (Hannah's Prayer) to anyone who is going through the above situations and would like to talk to others who have gone through the same things. I myself have found great support there and am eternally grateful for those women.

A quick disclaimer - I am transcribing these notes from my personal journal, so they may be disjointed and hard to follow at times. I am not attempting to describe the entire book, just write down my responses to it.

Hannah's Hope Chapter One
I define family as a group of people who continually care for each other. Family isn't just defined by blood ties. I was blessed by God into a loving birth family and along the way have made many friend who I consider family. My current family does meet my definition of family, I just feel like my immediate family isn't complete yet. I believe that God defines family as primarily a man and his wife, as in Genesis. I'm not even sure where this desire [to have more children] is coming from. I love DS with my whole heart, so it's not that I want to replace him or feel that he's "not good enough." I don't expect that having another child is going to magically make my life perfect. I think that maybe [this desire] is just something that God put inside me. I do think that [having another child] would make me happy, but maybe I'm putting too much thought into it. I need to focus on God more and less on my SI. I need to pursue my relationship with Him before anything else.

Ordinary Princess J

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