Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Real Moms... Real Jesus Chapter 1

I received this book at a Christmas present from a fantastic group of moms at my church's parent church. I felt like I could use a mothering boost today since my parenting ability feels like it has taken a nose dive today. So far today my child has refused to nap, told me repeatedly to go away and pooped in his diaper not 30 seconds after getting off the toilet. *sigh*

The Truth About Serving
The first chapter of this book was eye opening. I've never realized that my life in anyway resembles any of the things that Jesus went through. The point that really hit home to me was that Jesus used interruptions as a chance to serve others. I am interrupted about a million times a day! Jesus was a person that everyone wanted to know more about. People followed him around all the time. At one point, he even had to get into a boat to get away! (Sounds pretty good to me!) He was interrupted all the time, but instead of getting annoyed (which would be my default reaction) he used those opportunities to serve - the Samaritan woman, Zacchaeus and others. I need to cultivate a servants heart so that when my son interrupts me (for the sixth time) when I'm cleaning the kitchen, I can turn my attention to him fully for at least a few minutes. Who really cares if my kitchen is dirty? I'd rather have a son who knows deep in his heart how loved and valued he is than a spotless kitchen any day!

I had never thought about motherhood as the ministry of availability. Thinking of it as such really emphasizes the fact to me that what I am doing IS a ministry and I should treat it as such. I should put serious thought into what I'm doing, be intentional about it and be proud of it!

I have always talked to God as a friend. It's just come naturally to me. What I really need to work on is being sure to have daily fellowship with the Lord.

I do struggle with receiving other people's help. It's easy to offer to help others, but when they offer to help you, my first response is that I can do it myself. This is especially true when it come to house work. I don't want anyone to know how disorganized and dirty my house can really be sometimes!

I really want to remember this week to remember that motherhood is a ministry and a blessing, not an obligation.

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