Tuesday, January 12, 2010

One Year Book of Hope Week 1 Day 2

Today's devotional talked about crying and how many people see crying not only as a lack of control, but a lack of faith as well, as if a person had enough faith, then they wouldn't be sad. It's a fact of our imperfect, broken world that bad things happen and they make us sad. I lost my father this past July, who I am still grieving for. My health and the health issues of my family are daily causes for frustration and pain. My continuing struggles with infertility are daily and sometimes hourly reminders that I feel my life is incomplete.

I should say that I dislike crying, which is almost comical for someone who cries so easily. I cry when I'm happy, when I'm sad and even sometimes when I laugh. I am the sap who cries at the Hallmark commercials. I must have gone through at least two boxes of tissues the first time I saw Titanic. My poor date asked me more than once if we should leave. Also, I am not one of those attractive criers. You know the girls who's eyes just well up with tears until they tremble on their lashes and then gently slide down their cheeks. Mine are more of a gush than a slide and are accompanied by blotchy skin, red eyes and a runny nose for good measure. It's not pretty, so I generally try to avoid it.

The thing that really hit home to me today was that the author noted that God is sad with us. That is so profound to me, that I'm going to say it again. God is sad with us! He's not up there looking down on us in disdain as we grieve, thinking to himself that we should just build a bridge and get over it. He grieves with us. What parent ever likes to see their child hurting? I know I don't. I have cried at almost every shot my child has gotten. How much worse must it be for our heavenly Father? I don't think I could handle that kind of pain. Knowing that the Lord is sad because I am sad definitely soothes my hurting heart.

The reading today was from Psalm 56 and we were asked to make a list of what David determined to do despite his tears. Here's my list of what David said:
  1. I will put my trust in you. Verse 3b, 11a
  2. I praise God for what he has promised. Verse 4a, 10b
  3. I will fulfill my vows to you, O God, and will offer a sacrifice of thanks for your help. Verse 12
Lord, though I know sorrow and my tears continue to fall, I will trust in You. I will praise You for your numerous blessings upon me and Lord, I WILL fulfill the purpose You have given me. I will walk in Your way and follow Your plan for my life. Amen

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