Hannah's Hope Chapter Fourteen
Hannah's Hope Chapter Fifteen
I believe I am finally at a place in my infertility journey where I desire God's plan for my life more than my heart's desires. Though I still experience setbacks, it is a wonderfully freeing thing! I am able to greet pregnant women with a smile and honestly share in their joy, most of the time. :) I can either choose to experience grief or choose to live, praising the Lord daily for his many blessings. It is my choice.
"Waiting becomes worship when our as-yet-unfulfilled hopes and dreams take a secondary place to knowing, loving, and trusting our God." Jan Frank - A Graceful Waiting
This quote affected me profoundly!!! What powerful words. Waiting without the Lord's peace is agony. There is no way to know if you will ever become pregnant or if you will, how long it will take. If God would speak and say "Yes, I will bless you with a child, but not right now," it would be so much easier. Even a "No." would at least allow me to move on, allow the grieving to progress and maybe resolve, but waiting is just so hard. I am at last coming to appreciate my time of waiting. God has used it to bring me closer to Him than I have ever been and it's wonderful. I know I am more the person He wants me to be now than I was before my waiting.