Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Real Moms... Real Jesus Chapter 2

The Truth About Worship

Jesus gets moms. I always knew he understood me, but now I know that he "gets" me. This book has been great and really shown me significant parallels between my ministry as a mother and Jesus' ministry. Jesus knew what it was like for people to constantly need him. Yet, it didn't seem to bother him the way it can get to me sometimes. It's because Jesus had the right perspective. Everything he did was an act of worship to the Father.

The point that really struck me in this chapter is that worry is the worship of our circumstances! Woah. Stop for a second. How often do I worry about things that are going on in my life? Um, a lot. How often am I praising God for everything He's doing for me? Not enough. I have been worshiping my problems! Yikes! That really puts things into perspective for me. I need to continue to be faithful in reading my Bible so that I can keep things in the right perspective every day. I need to remember that doing my daily tasks, even changing diapers and taking out the trash, are worship if I have the right perspective.

I have several things that can become false idols to me, mostly money, worry in general and my health. I have been getting better at conquering these things through having my daily quiet time. It allows me to start my day off calmly and give all my worries to God instead of carrying them with me all day. It's wonderful!

There are so many things that I do as a mother that can be an act of worship if I let them, loading and unloading the dishwasher (yay for dishwashers!), wiping off the counters & table, picking up toys, reading to my son, doing laundry, cooking, running around to therapy and doctor's appointments and even doing laundry. For me, I really struggle with cooking and changing diapers right now. I just don't have the motivation or knowledge base to cook well (I think). I am also really struggling with the diapers right now. Our son is at an age where he could potty train if he desired, but he's just not ready yet. I am having a hard time being patient with him and waiting for his timing. I will pray about these thing and ask that the Lord will give me patience, wisdom and perseverance to overcome them. :)

I think that the addiction I struggle with most right now is the computer! I love how easy it makes it to stay connected with friends, fellowship with other women, check the news and weather, find out my account balance and play games. I find myself seated at the computer a lot throughout the day, sometimes at the expense of spending time with my son. I need to be better about making sure he's getting the attention that he deserves and needs from me.

Take a listen to the song "God Shaped Hole" by Plumb. What have you been using to try and fill the void?

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