Saturday, January 30, 2010
One Year Book of Hope Week 2 Weekend
Friday, January 29, 2010
Calm My Anxious Heart Chapter 1
Here's my paraphrase of our memory verse.
I didn't ever really need anything because I learned how to be happy with whatever I had. I know that I can live without anything or with everything. I know the secret to living in any situation, whether you're hungry or full, have a bunch of stuff or none at all. Here it is: I can do anything through my belief in Christ because He gives me His strength.
My definition of contentment is simply being happy with how things are.
Here's my paraphrase of 1 Timothy 6:15.
The Lord will appear again when it is the right time, according to His plan. He is blessed and is the only supreme ruler of our lives. He is above all other things in importance and authority. He is the King of kinds, and the Lord of lords.
As far as the story of the two monks, I know that I used to be the first monk, but right now I am more the second monk. I used to pray to the Lord to please, please, please bless me with another child! Make it a girl! Make it twins! And on, and on, and on. It's not wrong to pray to the Lord for your heart's desire. My sin was that my desire for another child had usurped my desire for the Lord's will to be done in my life above my own. Now that I am placing God's plan for my life before my own, I am finding things flow more smoothly and I have a restfulness that I did not have before.
I do think most women try to manipulate or control their situations, but I don't believe that it is just women. I believe all people do this. People are, by our very nature, sinful. Left alone, we will always desire what we do not have. Discontent breeds a desire to manipulate things to make them different so that we can achieve what we want. If we place our wants and plans in the Lord's hands and surrender them to Him, making ourselves obedient to His will, our wants and desires are transformed into His wants and desires for us.
This week I learned that the Lord does not want us to worry. Worry in and of itself is an idol. If I spend more of my time worrying about my circumstances than I do in pursuing my Lord, it means I am worshiping my circumstances instead of God. Eek! I learned that I am prone to worry, but the more I place myself and my plans for my life in the Lord's hands, the less I worry. If I have a daily quiet time and ask for the Lord to give me strength each day, I am not as concerned or anxious about the things happening in my world.
Lord, please help me to remember how truly important my daily quiet time is. Help me to remember how at peace and renewed I feel each day when I fellowship with You first. Amen.
One Year Book of Hope Week 2 Day 4 & Day 5
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
One Year Book of Hope Week 2 Day 2 & Day 3
Monday, January 25, 2010
One Year Book of Hope Week 2 Day 1
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I Made Her
I made her…
She is different.
She’s unique.
With love I formed her in her mother’s womb.
I fashioned her with great joy.
I remember, with great pleasure, the day I created her. 1
To Me she is beautiful.
I love her smile.
I love her ways.
I love to hear her laugh
And the silly things she says and does. 2
She brings Me great pleasure.
She is herself, and no one else, this is how I made her.
I wanted her to search out her heart, and to learn that it would be Me in her that would draw friends to her. 3
I made her a little more lonesome that she would like to be… only because I needed for her to learn to depend on Me.
I knew her heart.
I know if I had not made her like this she would go her own chosen way and forget Me…her Creator. 4
I was with her and had a broken heart, too. 6
So many lessons she has learned the hard way because she would not listen to My voice. 7
I made her and then I bought her.
I paid a high price for her, because I love her. 9
It has not been easy for her or for Me. 10
I want her to be conformed to My image.
This high goal I have set for her, because I love her. 11
1 Psalm 139:13-16
2 Psalm 139:17
3 1 Peter 3:3-5
4 Psalm 62:5-8
5 Psalm 84:11, Romans 8:32
6 Psalm 56:8
7 Isaiah 53:6
8 Psalm 34:18
9 Romans 5:8
10 Jeremiah 29:11
11 1 Corinthians 2:14
One Year Book of Hope Week 1 Weekend
Hannah's Hope Chapter Sixteen
Hannah's Hope Chapters Fourteen & Fifteen
Hannah's Hope Chapter Thirteen
Hannah's Hope Chapter Twelve
Hannah's Hope Chapter Eleven
Hannah's Hope Chapters Nine & Ten
Hannah's Hope Chapter Eight
Hannah's Hope Chapter Seven
Hannah's Hope Chapter Six
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Real Moms... Real Jesus Chapter 2
One Year Book of Hope Week 1 Day 5
Thursday, January 14, 2010
One Year Book of Hope Week 1 Day 4
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Real Moms... Real Jesus Chapter 1
One Year Book of Hope Week 1 Day 3
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
One Year Book of Hope Week 1 Day 2
- I will put my trust in you. Verse 3b, 11a
- I praise God for what he has promised. Verse 4a, 10b
- I will fulfill my vows to you, O God, and will offer a sacrifice of thanks for your help. Verse 12